Friday, July 29, 2011

Popularity Vs Success

From the last few years , I am amused to see how the world end up getting promoted just for the sake of Popularity.People will start following you if you brushed up your teeth with a whitening Ink & you have dynamic looks. You are welcome in the Glam light of the new era.

Now Nobody needs your right opinion for falling numbers if it's made them feel bad 
But yeah they will prefered looking towards you if you tell them wrong route but the pleasing one. Now nobody works for self respect all that matters is Money.
A whole wall of wax is just following one statement ," Money hai to honey hai".

I don't know how long it will go.If you ask a simple question what you want to be ? 
99% crowd will say ,"  I want to be successful ". Even I want the same though I know successful is not having to cut the grass .

Twitter & Facebook now become the market trend setters just on the basis of likes and dislikes , one can easily become the star of the night. It's no Longer Difficult to be a millionaire now as it was earlier for the people like Bill Gates & Warren Buffett, who survived a lot to become the richest person in the world.

You can easily become Mr./Ms. Popular but Still you can't be successful. The one reason is Popularity is Limited to social status, achievement of an objective , the opposite of failure
 But Success is not Limited or bound to anything its Unlimited , open and wide , you just need to open your mind with a positive attitude. It will Embrace you automatically.... 

To all of you  would you like to be Mr./Ms. Popular or You love to be successful? Whether people know you or not? 


  1. it is not neccesary tht a popular man can become successfull but a successfull man can surely become popular

  2. Yes! One should be successful ,,,,
